Tuesday, December 2

corrosive confusion

the girl's palms are sweaty. she's feeling the anxiousness of the inevitable-about-to-happen: she's about to let them down. her eyes are not moist. more like sad. she's desperately looking for a reason to put on the table and make at least a part of what she's feeling about herself, real. but there's nothing around to reach for. she reaches for her purse, but it's so heavy as if it's filled with millions of razorblades that would slash her skin open if she looked inside. she drops it on the floor. her heart is pounding and the purse is falling in the slowest motion possible. it refuses to touch ground. she gasps. the purse is in the air. she hits it with her right foot, but it's like hitting an invisible rubber deck. she looks out the window and back at the purse: it lays dead on the floor. even gravity is making its point. she puts her palms together. they smell like failure and feel like ice. she blows them hot hoping to melt them. the only thing that seems to melt is her reason. she takes out her phone and starts texting: i've been.. (too obvious) - she deletes it. puts the phone on the sink. the tap is running. now there's a purpose, a way and a means - all reaching the same goal: function. hard concept for a dysfunctional girl. she looks in the mirror. this pair of green eyes staring back at her are not hers. the mirror liquefies together with that image. her heart is a prisoner screaming behind rib bars. her pain is dumb, but she can hear it. the rumors are true: she's dead.


The Muse said...

First: Your kind words are just a glimmer of the true inner beauty you possess. Thank you for the tender and humbling comments you left on my blog, regarding my Christmas poetry :)

Second: I am enraptured within the starkness of your recent work. Oblivion.Stark.Cold.Dead.
Amazing that our inner self can be this way and body still be living.

If we reach beyond the boundaries of the physical and grasp the joy of something greater, there will be no such oblivion.

What a thought provoking piece you have shared this day.

The Muse said...

Excellent word play challenge on Think a Thought Tuesday...!

Make them cry! LOL (well ok not Really...LOL ) wink

Lilly said...

'The only thing that seems to melt is her reason'. I dont think the essence of us ever dies. Regardless of the death rumors. Another wonderful piece. You are so talented and I am so looking forward to seeing what you do in the future. I will be able to say, I knew that girl when she was a blogger.....