Tuesday, September 9

c'mon now, last chance

if i haven't panicked by now, now would be a perfect time to get into a genuine Toronto blessing. time is the only constant that's constantly slapping me in the face. the face responds by getting me some new wrinkles. fine. i cope with that. the dreams i had set for myself don't. they signed their resignation letter today and told me to piss off. i did. i pissed. my bladder was asking for it. that was the only reason why i did it. i'm blamed for other people's unhappiness. i'm blamed for other people's lives. i can only take the blame for mines. the rest of you just look within and you'll find there the strength to get over. i'm running late. it's funny tho. cause i quit running a long time ago. case closed. i packed up all my shit and this case is pretty heavy. i don't have money to pay the excess baggage so i'll just leave it here. this is a nice place for my shitty case to rest. i'm sorry. if it makes any difference. if it doesn't, i'm sorry even more for daring to feel sorry for nothin'. there's no more time left. there never was. c'mon now, last chance. have anything to say to me before i go? no?

1 comment:

Lilly said...

Brilliant I needed to read this kind of post just now. I am packing up a bag abd doing the same - I am not taking anyone else's crap on board any lomger either!!!